In early January, Lego released the first two sets in a new line of brickheadz called Pets; sets #40440 Puppy & German Shepherd and set #40441 Kitten & Shorthair Cat. They have done really well and are currently sold out on the official Lego website. Both sets are roughly 250 pieces and retail for $14.99 USD or $19. 99 CAD but because they are D2C you won't find they at any of your local toy stores. That being said, once they come back in stock they will make great filler items if you need to bump up your total to get a gift with purchase and would also make excellent birthday gifts. Lego puts these at an 8+ but honestly my 7 year old can put these types of sets together pretty easily and I think kids as young as 5 could handle them with a little help.
Then March 1st, Lego went and released the next two sets in the series and even though I thought the first two were pretty cute - these look amazing! Set #40443 Chick and Budgie and set #40444 Fry and Goldfish.It's the colours that get me, those bright greens, blues and oranges are just so pretty. These sets are about 250 pieces each as well and retail for the same, so if you purchase all 4 sets the price for piece works out to be approx 6 cents a piece USD or 8 cents CAD. (not including tax of course) but still a really good deal.
Just like all the brickheadz sets, these look like fun, easy builds for all fans of Lego
but they are especially great for collectors who might be just starting their collection or the perfect way to introduce a child to the wonderful world of Lego
I will be doing a full review on all 4 sets so look for those coming soon!
D2C = Direct to consumer.